What procedures are most important to the success of your practice. Please list in order of importance.
We optimize for keywords related to your specialty and procedures, but if there are other terms that are important to your practice (i.e. top dentist, blue cross dentist, dental financing, etc.)
Here is your chance to tell us what is most important to you.
For example - Families, emergency patients, retired individuals, etc.
Please specify nearby cities or regions from which you would like to receive more patients. Please try to keep to 5-10 locations. Go ahead and list cities, counties or communities that are appropriate for your area, in order of importance to you.
We look closely at website visitor traffic patterns, and need to filter any traffic which comes from you or your office staff. Please go to
www.myip.dk from EACH computer (although the numbers may be the same) in your office and your personal computer – List the numbers:
Please include anything you would like to share with the SEO team or feedback on your campaign so far.